What is easyID?

easyID provides a simple interface for uploading of ID card details, including card holder details and photos.
CardSprint collects the uploaded information and produces your ID card directly from the data you input.

Why have we made this?

This provides an easier, less messy alternative to emailing images and data which would otherwise need to be transferred to our printing program manually. Less steps means less chance for error.

How do new customers get on board?

Firstly, get in contact with CardSprint and discuss your ID card requirements. Phone 08 8132 2800, or fill out the form below.
Once the design has been approved, we will set up your own easyID interface and database, provide a login and advise how to start uploading.

Click here to download our help file.

Fill in the details below to send us an enquiry:

Your Name*
Company Name*
Contact Number*
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